10 February, 2024

What we hear may not be what was said

 Been thinking about how people can hear the words being said but interprets in their head something different to what was meant. I feel many people hear, interpret, perceive in their own way and then get it into their head that they are being lied to because what they have heard and understood isn't necessary what was meant.

I know with Tim we can tell him something about how we are feeling perhaps about something he has said or done but if asked to explain what he things we are trying to say he will come back with something very different. He will often come back that we are saying he is stupid or he is wrong, at times we may say that we do feel his understanding of a situation maybe wrong. Of course as I write this I cannot think on a damn example to give you which is annoying.

Sometimes I have said that just because something isn't how we want it to be doesn't make it wrong just different.


  1. You are right. This what happens sometimes.

  2. Yep I get that. I wonder if the person hears negative tapes from their past that clouds their perception?

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    That is SO true. Not only with the spoken word but also the written word still gets misread, or misunderstood, misinterpreted... Whatever they intended to do.
    The best is to let go and pray for them!
    We impossibly can change others...

  4. That is such an important revelation that only self-reflection can bring about. We should always give the ones we love the benefit of the doubt and continue to love them for the person God has made them to be.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne, and thanks for your insightful comment on my blog today.
