29 July, 2020

01 July, 2020


Do you have adult children?
I do

Do they all have keys to your home?
Mine do

Can they let themselves in whenever they want?
Mine can

Take whatever they need when they need it and leave a note telling you so
Mine do

I have keys to my parents house have always done since I was given a key when I was 18, my brother and youngest sister also have keys but my other two sisters don't,why you ask well they left home before they were given keys.

Tim said when he was a teenager he had a key to his mum's house but when he left home his mum took the key back.

03 June, 2020


It must be hard not knowing what to when you see me crying and suffering with pain and frustration day in and day out, I know there is nothing anyone can do to relieve the pain.

Sometimes all I need is a hug and to hear you know how hard it I need nothing else.

Sometimes it is hard and depressing to hear someone sigh or see a roll of the eyes when I ask for help of some kind. I know no one means anything bad but it does make me feel like I am being a nuisance or a burden.

Yes it is hard for me struggling all day every day and I get it must be hard for everyone to know this and and not know what to do for the best. I have no answer for that.

If it was just the tremor that would be bad enough but it's everything else, like the pain in my right upper arm/shoulder area. This makes me cry in pain and frustration and there isn't a damn thing you can do.

26 January, 2020

Turning 80

My Mum is turning 80 on Thursday we are not doing anything just lunch with her children, however, as many extended family members care for her I thought I would remind you and you may like to send her a card. This would make her very happy.

Anyone need her address just ask.