06 December, 2018

December Letter

Mrs Jo-Anne Meadows
P O Box 253
Warners Bay
NSW 2282
Tuesday 4th December 2018


Great to hear from you again, life here is ok not great but ok, sometimes our lives are so busy that we don't seem to have the time to sit and write a letter.

Yes Natasha & Blain have settled into their new home, Natasha is still painting the house one room at a time, it is nice having both of them living close by.

My state of mind was improving slowly but I have had set back, last Thursday there was another incident between Blain & Leo. The whole thing got out of hand and I told my mum all about it Thursday night and mentioned it to her on Friday morning as well. Well my sister Sue heard us talking and she told her daughters Kelli & Heather and that got back to Natasha who was more then pissed.. All in all the whole incident caused me a lot of grief and caused me to shed a lot of tears and feel like I caused a whole lot of trouble.

I am sleeping better but not great, although I do still wake up a number of times during the night. Although I am having a real problem with restlessness, it isn't just at night or with just my legs but all day and my whole body. I spoke to the GP about the problem this morning and he has increased then medication I take for it from 1 tablet to 2 tablets a day.

Since my last letter, I had to go and see my GP to get my yearly medical review done but the doctor refused to fill it in, he said I shouldn't be driving. I felt numb when I left the surgery but I am getting there, it is what it is. I now have a photo ID card instead of a licence.

I had a birthday on Friday 16th November the night before my birthday I had a break down it was caused by Leo having a melt down and trashing his bedroom throwing things around and hitting the wall. What caused his melt down I really don't understand it had something to do with Blain though.

I ended up not just crying but sobbing and it wasn't the first time I cried on Thursday, in fact I cried a fair bit on Thursday and most of the time I had no idea why I was crying.

Tim told me he is worried about my health and through tears I replied that so was I at night I suffer from restlessness kind of like restless leg syndrome but it affects my breathing, when I lay down I feel like I can't breath and I have to get up and walk around then go back to bed and try again. I would do this 3 or 4 times before I would manage to get to sleep.

I have since realized that I should be taking the medication for the restlessness 2hrs earlier then I was, taking it earlier has helped but I was still having a lot of problems with restlessness but yesterday when I saw the GP he increased the restlessness medication from 1to 2 tablets. So last night I slept through the night, fingers cross it continues to be the case.

It will be a while before we take another cruise, Tim and I talked it over and decided because of how bad dad's health is and decided that it might not be wise to go away.

My parents are well, dad is driving mum crazy asking every day how does he get his licence back, as it has been suspended on medical grounds, we all know he will never get it back but he doesn't understand.

He says every day that the GP shouldn't have said he can't drive, mum has explained over and over that he isn't well enough and he gets very confused at times.

Many nights dad will ask mum who's house they are in because he doesn't think it is their house, even though they have lived their since May 1980.

He also often thinks there are strangers in his bed and asks mum who are those people in our bed, there is no one in the bed.

Last week there was another incident between Blain & Leo it was a bad incident both accused each other of lying and Natasha really went off her head accusing Leo of being in the wrong. Well it turned out Blain was the one lying and when Natasha found this out she felt horrible but did she apologise to Leo, no she didn't, which has annoyed me.

The whole thing caused me a great deal of upset, I confided in my mother who says my sister overheard what we were talking about and told her daughter, anyway someone told another sister who said something about it that really caused me to become depressed and to feel like I can't trust anyone.

I was in such a state over the weekend that Tim and the girls became very worried about my state of mind, however, I realised that I hadn't been taking one of my depression medications, so that may have been the problem, only time will tell.

I am like 95% done with Christmas shopping, as I shop all year around. I will start work on the Christmas cards this weekend hopefully. I will also have to sort out the Mrs Claus presents I send out during the next week or so.

Christmas Day will be spent with my parents and siblings as per usually and Boxing Day Tim & I, along with Natasha, Blain, Jessica & Leo are going to Kathy-Lee's place for our Christmas lunch in past years the girls and grandchildren would come here but I am not really in a condition to cook a baked lunch. So Kathy-Lee has said she would have the lunch at her place.

The last few days I have been working on my Christmas cards and I am slowly getting them done. I also have managed to get the house starting to look like Christmas with the aid of decorations, although I still have more to do, it is just hard to do on my own and yeah the girls say they will help but they haven't done so yet.

Well tht is enough of my boring news for this letter until next time take care and write when you can.

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