20 October, 2024

Week 42 of 2024



I had a pretty good night, slept pretty much all night, although I had to use the powerfit before going to bed due to how restless I felt.

I felt cold and had to turn the heater on for a little bit.

The temp this morning is 13 degrees and my BGL was 4.9

The day has warmed up, Tim did more work in the back yard.

Steps: 5,196


I had a really good night slept straight through only waking when the alarm went off.

It is a cold morning with a temp of 12 degrees, my BGL is 5.0

It has turned out being a warm day with a temp of 22 degrees.

I was waiting for Sam this afternoon and she didn’t turn up; I rang Jess who rang Sam, and it turned out someone told the driver she had already gone home. Thankfully a friend’s mother drove her home.


I had a really good night slept straight through only waking when the alarm went off.

It is a pleasant 15 degrees and my BGL is 6.8, a bit high for some reason.

It was starting to rain when I was going up the front with Sam and had to come back and swap from my scooter to the walker. The temp is still only 16 degrees.

Tim home at 9.30am to have something to eat before going to have his scans done. Then he will be going back to work.

Steps: 6,157


I had another good night slept straight through waking at 4.20am to pee then straight back to sleep till the alarm went off.

It is a cold 13 degrees my BGL was 5.0

I am having a lot of trouble walking this morning my right knee doesn’t feel stable and I am worried about falling.

Tim arrived home at 11am he has phone appointment at 2pm.

The day warmed up a bit.

The clothes I ordered from Millers arrived and both lot of pants fit well but the skirt is a bit too big. I have emailed to see if it can be exchanged for a smaller size, but I don’t it can be as I think it was off the clearance rack.


Went to bed at 9pm last night as per usual around 11.15pm I woke feeling restless, so I got up and used the powerfit no issue there, however, when I bent over to unplug it, I lost my balance and fell banging my head hard against the lounge and yes it hurt I sat for about 20 minutes before going back to bed. For the next few hours, I dozed on and off before settling down at around 2pm. I got up at 5am a usual.

It is only 7 degrees my BGL was 3.6

It has warmed up to 21 degrees.

Both Sandy and Sue said I shouldn’t use the powerfit during the night.

I rang the Eastern Tiger and booked a table for 4 on the 26 then Jeannie said she would come, then Dawson said he would come so I rang back and changed the booking to 6. I then realised I hadn’t asked Dave, so I have texted him about coming and hope to hear back sometime tomorrow.


Went to bed at 9pm last night as per usual around 11.15pm I woke feeling restless, so I got up and used the powerfit went back to bed and straight off to sleep.

It is 15 degrees and my BGL is 3.4

Took Sam up the front and managed to just get home before it started raining heavy.

I have had another productive morning vacuuming and changing the sheets, washing the sheets and tossing them in the dryer to dry.

Steps: 10,445

Had a good night although when the alarm went off, I didn’t want to get up, but I did and after a shower I felt ok. It is 19 degrees and my BGL is 5.2, we are supposed to be in for a nice day.

I have felt fidgety as mum would put it this morning.

Tim and I went over to Lake Fair so he could cash in bottles while I went to see if I could exchange my skirt, but they didn’t have anything in my size.

Tasha bought me another matching top and pants set.

Steps: 9,410









  1. 42. Isn't that the meaning of life?

  2. Dearest Jo Anne,
    Glad that in general you slept well!
    Except your fall when you bent to unplug the powerfit and banged your head...😟
    Just woke up after a very good night. Yesterday I felt miserable and with a headache after a very bad night. All day I was off. Guess the sorbet on Friday night I had with mango kind of did that to my kidneys.
    Could not think of anything else.
    Have to manage today the driving to Atlanta for stocking up on my special food and also driving back. Have not done that in years as I usually stay the night at a hotel. Want to manage it though!
    Wednesday I have my 1st medical mani and pedicure since July 30 at Podology of Georgia. Another two hour drive and driving back home but that too I have to manage.
