05 September, 2024

Working Hodgepodge or maybe not


Something you're working on currently?                    

Getting over feeling sick and being oh so tired

Tell us something about your first job? Was it a positive or negative experience for you? Did your parents insist you work while in school (either high school or college) or did you work because you wanted to? 

I was 18 and worked for 17 weeks as a typist in an office, I liked the job and I was good at I, it was a government program designed to give someone work experience.

Have you ever had a job that required overnight travel? How did you feel about that? Have you ever had a job that required you to wear a uniform? Do you work better in the morning or at night? 

The above-mentioned job is the only job I have ever had, although I have always considered being a mother and grandmother my job. I have always worked better in the morning

What's something you bake or cook that is labour intensive? Is it worth it?                                

I can’t think of a damn thing

One thing you're looking forward to in the month of September?            

My wedding anniversary been married 40yrs on the 22 September

Insert your own random thought here.

Live in the here and now and not the past, if something has happened and now is done with stop dragging it out and going over it again, it won’t change anything so leave it alone and move on. Stop saying things were better in the good old days, you are most likely to be looking at things through rose coloured glasses and things were not as good as you now think they were.



  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, when I was a teenager and complained about my pocket money, Dad spoke the magic words of: 'Go get out of bed early and work before school!' So I did, with my best friend together I picked strawberries from 5:00 AM till school time and I felt good about and RICH. A good lesson.
    Sure, I've had many jobs that required extensive travel, being an International Consultant. It is just attitude and upon arrival you start working—you're not on vacation. And I survived.
    You have had several jobs indeed, aside from that very first one. Being a good Mother and House Keeper is quite a job and you managed well! Feel proud of that.
    Yes, a kind of uniform but for hygiene reasons.
    My jobs have been mainly day jobs.

    1. Being a mother was the only job I ever wanted and was lucky that we could get by on only one income

    2. That sure was a true blessing for the both of you!!!

  2. We celebrated 40 years in June. Congratulations! Motherhood is definitely a 'job'. The culture may not see it always as such, but where would we be without mothers keeping the train on the track? Hope you're feeling 100% soon!

    1. I have meet people who didn't consider being a mother to be a real job which would annoy me no end

  3. I hope you have great anniversary. We just celebrated 50. Being a mother and grandmother are so important! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  4. Hopefully by now you are back to yourself. I'm late commenting.
