12 September, 2024

Scary or superstitious hodgepodge


When the Hodgepodge lands on September 11th I want to acknowledge that. Will you purposely pause to remember, pray, or attend any sort of ceremony on 9/11? Share any thoughts or memories you'd like to share about this day. 

Sadly, I honestly don’t give it much of a thought

                                                                My Nan & Pop

Growing up, did you spend a lot of time with your grandparents? What's something you learned from a grandparent? 

Yes, I did, well my maternal grandparents and my Nan taught me about caring for my skin so I wouldn’t end up with lots of wrinkles looking older than my age

What's your go-to breakfast? 

Toast with vegemite or honey

Tell us the story behind one of your favourite photos.     

                                                                      Me and Sam

It was either my birthday or Christmas Day and my grandchild Sam who doesn’t like their photo taken agreed to have one taken with me and I love tat photo

This week Friday lands on the 13th. Are you superstitious in any way? Do you like scary movies, and if so what's your favourite? 

Nope I am not superstitious in any way shape or form and I do not like scary movies

Insert your own random thought here.

When you are feeling worn out and exhausted rest, if you need to  go to bed early do it, don’t stress over it, just do it 



  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Sure, thinking about 9/11 in 2001 is a natural thing. Our German Grandson's birthday as well, so I never forget.
    Did not spend a lot of time with grandparents but still some time and it was special. Fond memories, especially of my Godmother, maternal Grandmother who lived near me when I first got married. She often walked with a friend from the nursing home to visit me and I did visit her every week. Fond memories and we were very close!
    That picture of you with Sam shows a LOT of love and care!!!
    No, I'm not superstitious at all—way too practical for that.
    Scary movies won't get my time at all, in general very few movies, only historic ones have my interest.
    Had a very stressful and hectic day yesterday as they came around 8:30 AM to place the new sliding door in bedroom and a door in veranda. They left at 5:30 PM and I had to call their boss about some issues. He came and had them end up the job in a correct manner = 2 hours and 15 minutes longer! Sure felt happy for having made that call. Guess my Pieter would have been very proud of me for handling it the way I did. But sure was exhausted, missed my nap and late to bed. Was still too hyper for sleeping well the first half of the night. My nap today was almost 2 hours and I felt rested!
    A friend came to hang something on the wall that the Mexican cleaning lady had knocked off. They are rather rough... He also put some batteries in clocks and got rid of the corrosion. Big help for me as it all weighs down onto me.
    Was mad as I'd ordered on line some items at Walmart for pick up. Chicken broth 6 packs, a 10 lbs birdseed bag and 2 N–1.5V batteries for in the Christofle desk clock. Arriving home I found out the batteries were not there. Got a refund for $ 4.04 but still have to go back for completing this. Annoying!

    1. I don't have a Godmother or Godfather
      The photo of me and Sam is special to me
      It's good you have friend who is able to help you when you need help around the house

  2. My parents were very busy with their careers, and almost didn't have enough money to provide everything that all their children needed. So I loved spending time with my maternal grandparents, and inviting them to my school performances. What I learned most was learning and enjoying their culture - literature, music and ballet.

    1. That's great, grandparents offer so much to their grandchildren, I am very close to Sam but also have a good relationship with my other grandchildren

  3. I enjoyed seeing those photos you shared, Jo-Anne. I do wish I could have spent more time with my grandparents and that my own grandchildren lived closer. I'm happy for you that you have family around you. Blessings!

    1. I know I am lucky to have been so close to my grandparents, I even saw a lot of Dad's father but we were not close, I am also lucky I see my grandchild as much as I do

  4. I liked reading you answers and that photo of you and Sam is so precious.

  5. My philosophy as I get older is sleep when I'm tired. That's a sweet photo with your grand!

  6. I have never had vegemite. I enjoy the photo of you and Sam. I agree with your last thought...we need to listen to our bodies. I always try to get 70,000 steps a week...this week fell VERY short and I just decided to be okay with it..there were reasons for it and they were fine.

    1. Vegemite is nice if it is spread properly as in not too thick.
      I really like the photo of me and Sam
      Once I could have done 70,000 steps in a week
