19 September, 2024

A bit of this and that hodgepodge


1. Something that's had you 'chuffed to bits' recently? 

Feeling like myself after years wandering around in a fog, shaking so much doing stuff was next to impossible.

2. Tell us about an instance recently where you were tempted to 'throw a wobbly' (expression used to describe tantrums thrown, usually by adults or people who should know better) 

When Tim was being an unreasonable, judgemental sod.

3. Something everyone seems to love but is not your 'cuppa tea'?

Most new TV shows, pick one any one and I bet I wouldn’t have seen it 

4. Fish and chips, bangers and mash, shepherd's pie, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding...which entree would you choose? Yes, you have to choose. 

Bangers and mash although we would call it snags and mash, call it what you will it is a good dish

5. Something you want for your birthday this year? 

A small train tattoo been wanting one since 2019

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Respect is a two-way street, that far too many mistake for a one-way street, my husband at times says our grandchildren don’t respect him but he has a habit of speaking in a disrespect tone himself, saying that one will go to hell, granted he only did that once while drunk, but it is something that the child cannot get over and doesn’t understand that. Saying he supports them but in the same sentence saying they are wrong and going against God. I am sorry but such behaviour doesn’t scream respect. Yes we should our elders but if they are not showing us respect, why should they receive it.



  1. I'm the same way about tv shows - I rarely watch any tv so I really don't know what's going on in that realm. I'm sorry there's a disrespect problem brewing; hopefully he sees that disconnect and models respect better starting soon! Have agreat week!

    1. Nice to know I am not the only one who thinks the stuff on TV is useless dribble. Tim doesn't even realise what the problem is

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, just yesterday while walking on the back of the home I was 'chuffed to bits' when I saw that some tiles and concrete where pot plants used to stand, had been pushed up and broken. Then on the inside the wall is also showing some nasty blisters. What did happen there?! Can't be a big tree root as that tree is down for two years. But my guess is that it has to do with that... Nasty things for having to sort out and for having repaired!
    With TV shows and such I'm with you as I just don't care and don't want to waste my time.
    Don't know what bangers and mash are... But I would say, none of that is good for me right now.
    Nothing particular I want for my Birthday next year...
    Still treasure the Chanel earrings that Pieter gifted me in 2023... final gift from him before accident as it was almost two weeks prior to my Birthday.
    Respect indeed has to come from both sides and has to be earned—not demanded.

  3. Bangers and mash, is sausages and mash potato
    I am sure the Channel earrings are special
    Yes respect is a two way street

    1. Learned something! https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2023/02/and-another-birthday-with-pearls.html

  4. We haven't seen a lot of shows referenced in popular culture but I'm fine with that. We watch more movies than TV, and find we often give up on television programming a couple of episodes in. Respect goes both ways for sure, but children need to see it modeled for them. I hope things improve. Have a nice weekend!
