12 September, 2024

Scary or superstitious hodgepodge


When the Hodgepodge lands on September 11th I want to acknowledge that. Will you purposely pause to remember, pray, or attend any sort of ceremony on 9/11? Share any thoughts or memories you'd like to share about this day. 

Sadly, I honestly don’t give it much of a thought

                                                                My Nan & Pop

Growing up, did you spend a lot of time with your grandparents? What's something you learned from a grandparent? 

Yes, I did, well my maternal grandparents and my Nan taught me about caring for my skin so I wouldn’t end up with lots of wrinkles looking older than my age

What's your go-to breakfast? 

Toast with vegemite or honey

Tell us the story behind one of your favourite photos.     

                                                                      Me and Sam

It was either my birthday or Christmas Day and my grandchild Sam who doesn’t like their photo taken agreed to have one taken with me and I love tat photo

This week Friday lands on the 13th. Are you superstitious in any way? Do you like scary movies, and if so what's your favourite? 

Nope I am not superstitious in any way shape or form and I do not like scary movies

Insert your own random thought here.

When you are feeling worn out and exhausted rest, if you need to  go to bed early do it, don’t stress over it, just do it 


09 September, 2024



Good morning world and good morning anyone named Susan this is the given name of one of my sisters it means Lily of the Valley.

People named Susan are practical and have an admirable work ethic but may not be very practical in daily life only at work.

To be called a Susan means you are a great person, you just may not realise how great, you may sell yourself short.

Susan’s who like to be called Sue are more hot headed and short tempered.

05 September, 2024

Working Hodgepodge or maybe not


Something you're working on currently?                    

Getting over feeling sick and being oh so tired

Tell us something about your first job? Was it a positive or negative experience for you? Did your parents insist you work while in school (either high school or college) or did you work because you wanted to? 

I was 18 and worked for 17 weeks as a typist in an office, I liked the job and I was good at I, it was a government program designed to give someone work experience.

Have you ever had a job that required overnight travel? How did you feel about that? Have you ever had a job that required you to wear a uniform? Do you work better in the morning or at night? 

The above-mentioned job is the only job I have ever had, although I have always considered being a mother and grandmother my job. I have always worked better in the morning

What's something you bake or cook that is labour intensive? Is it worth it?                                

I can’t think of a damn thing

One thing you're looking forward to in the month of September?            

My wedding anniversary been married 40yrs on the 22 September

Insert your own random thought here.

Live in the here and now and not the past, if something has happened and now is done with stop dragging it out and going over it again, it won’t change anything so leave it alone and move on. Stop saying things were better in the good old days, you are most likely to be looking at things through rose coloured glasses and things were not as good as you now think they were.