21 August, 2024

It's Hodgepodge Day


What's the last thing you completely overreacted to? 

Overreact me? Well yeah, I do that, but I don’t remember when the last time was.

Your top five snacks? 

Chocolate, plain or chicken flavoured chips (crisps to some), caramel popcorn

 What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate. 

I can’t think of a single smell, although many do bring up memories of my nan and mum, but I can’t think of what the smell is.

What's something you learned from the last book you read? 

I was going to say I haven’t read a book in ages but then realised that yesterday I was reading about the Battle of Milne Bay, so I learnt about that

 What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?                                 

A new steam mop and I hope to get one soon, the kitchen floor needs mopping.

Insert your own random thought here. 

Remember is someone in your family or someone you are close to cuts you off and no longer speaks to you and you don’t know why,  it is their loss more than yours.



  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Jasmines sure bring back fond memories of both India and Indonesia.
    Our most romantic dinner ever was in Jakarta at the Mandarin Hotel, after Christmas. They had jasmine buds strewn over the white linen tablecloth and candles... Heavenly!

  2. The first one is a puzzler, because often I apparently overreact in others' eyes but I don't see it...

  3. It's hard not to take on others feelings but you are so right. We are each one responsible for our own actions and how we treat others. My hubs wants a steam mop to clean the grout in our bathroom. Someone is coming today to clean ducts and said he'd add that task to the list for just $25 so we're going with that. I always learn something new when I visit here. Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks for thinking I'm right about something, I don't think I am right very often

  4. I like my steam mop. I also have a handheld steamer to clean grout and the stove. I also use it to steam off soap scum on the shower. No scrubbing!

    1. I think steam mops are damn good and makes the job so much easier

  5. It is sad when family members have a falling out, Jo-Anne. I would be devastated if that happened. Blessings!

  6. Yes it is devasting and heartbreaking
