29 August, 2024

Is the hodgepodge a cliche


 What is one cliche you think is nonsense? What's one you think holds truth? 

I think so many cliches are nonsense and make no sense, been trying to think of one that holds water, but I can’t.

What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? 

I haven’t broken anything in a very long time, in fact it’s been so long I can’t remember when the last was

 Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had a s'more this summer? Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'

I have never heard tried a s’more, they are not any Aussie thing

 A mode of transportation you've never tried. Will you someday? 

I have never ridden a motorbike and I never will

Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand-new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu? 

August’s happiest memory would have to be one that hasn’t happened yet, as I am drawing a blank trying to think of one.

Insert your own random thought here.

Remember when life is full of struggles and everything seems so hard, that you are not alone, so many people struggle day after day, on the rollercoaster of life hanging on and hoping they will not go flying through the air landing in a broken heap.


21 August, 2024

It's Hodgepodge Day


What's the last thing you completely overreacted to? 

Overreact me? Well yeah, I do that, but I don’t remember when the last time was.

Your top five snacks? 

Chocolate, plain or chicken flavoured chips (crisps to some), caramel popcorn

 What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate. 

I can’t think of a single smell, although many do bring up memories of my nan and mum, but I can’t think of what the smell is.

What's something you learned from the last book you read? 

I was going to say I haven’t read a book in ages but then realised that yesterday I was reading about the Battle of Milne Bay, so I learnt about that

 What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?                                 

A new steam mop and I hope to get one soon, the kitchen floor needs mopping.

Insert your own random thought here. 

Remember is someone in your family or someone you are close to cuts you off and no longer speaks to you and you don’t know why,  it is their loss more than yours.


15 August, 2024

My First Hodgepodge


1.What was the best (or one of the best) summers of your life? Tell us why. 

I can’t think of one summer being better then another

2. When you have a trip coming up do you make a list and check it twice to ensure you don't forget anything? Or are you a 'throw whatever you can think of into the suitcase at the last minute' kind of packer? When returning from a trip do you unpack immediately or leave the suitcase right where it lands? 

I am one to make a list and check things off as I pack and when I get home, I like to unpack within the first 24 hours.

3. What's your favourite food or beverage made with lemons? Is that a flavour you enjoy? 

Lemone meringue pie

4. When was the last time you had to make lemonade out of lemons, figuratively speaking I mean? 

Nope my brain is in neutral and not coming up with anything

5. Did you like school growing up? Why or why not? 

Nope didn’t like it just dragged myself their every day because I had to

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

May you always find positive things in life even if they are hiding, just keep looking and you should find.