20 July, 2024

Cauliflower Trauma


Have you ever experienced a traumatic incident involving food that has left such a lasting impact that 46 years after the event you are still unable to eat anything involving said food?

I have, which would be obvious by this post, the food being cauliflower, I was 15 at the time and at the meal I tried a little bit of cauliflower and didn’t like it. So, I didn’t eat it but for whatever reason Dad went off his head, saying I had to eat it all. I was stubborn and wouldn’t eat what I didn’t like, Dad got madder and hit the table and in a raised voice told me I would sit there until it was finished.

Mum stayed out of it, but she would have spoken to Dad when he was a bit calmer. I sat at the table for around 30 minutes before Dad snapped at me to just go to my room.

After about an hour Dad came and knocked at my door, I was most likely reading, anyway he came and asked if we were still friends. This was something Dad always did after getting mad with any of his children. I said yes and we hugged, and he said I would not be expected to eat it ever, unless I wanted to.e

I have not eaten it to this day and I will not eat it, even thinking about it and writing this was distressing for me.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh my; what a memory...
    My Dad was called the cauliflower king as he grew perfect, solid white ones.
    Love to eat it in soups and as a vegetable dish.
    But what an experience for you—luckily your Dad came to ask you if you still were friends.

    1. Yeah dad always would come and make sure things were still good between himself and whichever child he had gone off at, it was one of the many things I loved about dad
