09 January, 2025

It's Hodgepodge Time


At the end of every year (or at least since the mid-1970's) Lake Superior State University posts a list of words they think should be banished from the Queen's English for misuse, overuse, and/or general uselessness. You can read more about the decision-making process here, but this year's list includes-

cringe, game changer, era, dropped, IFKYK (If you know you know), 

sorry not sorry, skibidi, 100%, utilize, and period. 

Which of these words/phrases do you use regularly or even just every now and then? How many did you have to look up? Which of these words would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word/phrase not on the list you'd like to add? If so do share, then tell us why. 

What the hell does skibidi mean, never heard of this word, I had to Google it

 Your favourite soup? Do you make this one yourself or is it from a can? 

As a child it was pea & ham but now days it is creamy chicken, yes, it is canned always have been.

How do you feel about winter? What's one winter activity you look forward to? 

Not a big fan of winter I like Autumn and Spring, when it’s not too hot nor too cold.

The Pantone colour of the year for 2025 is mocha mousse (sample pictured here). What say you? The website describes it as 'a warming, brown hue imbued with richness. It nourishes us with its suggestion of the delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, answering our desire for comfort'. Is this a colour I might find in your home or wardrobe? Is it one you might add in some big or small way in the year ahead? 

I went and checked out the colour, it was what I expected, and it is took dark for me wouldn’t like clothes in that colour and really wouldn’t want the house painted in it.

In a similar, but not really vein...if I were to offer you a choice right now of either a cup of mocha or a cup of mousse which would you say yes to? 

Since I can’t stand coffee, the smell nor the taste of it I would have to choose a nice chocolate mousse.

Which of the following winter related idioms can best be applied to your life in some way right now? Choose one, then tell us why you chose it.  

snowed under, on thin ice, tip of the iceberg, chill out, break the ice, snowball effect, not a snowball's chance in hell, get cold feet, the cold shoulder 

“chill out”, because I have been trying to do just that chill out and not let things upset me or make me feel stressed.

Insert your own random thought here.                       

There are so many things happening around us personally and the world in general that are out of our control, but we still get upset and stressed over them.  This is something that just is what it is and it is normal but for us to be healthier and happier we need to learn how not to dwell on such things. As when we do that it isn’t good for our physical or mental health.  My grandmother told me at the end of the day she would hand over to God all that caused her worry or distress during the day, asking him to give her guidance in how to deal with them.



  1. Aren't Grandma's wise? I had two grandmothers who would say similar things to me. Upsetting things have been going on in the world since the beginning of time, and as far as I can tell, people who worried and fretted never changed a thing. My husband always tells me, "It's not worth getting ulcers over."

    I'm with you on skibidi - at least you looked it up. I refused to.

    1. Yes some grandmother's were wise, and passed on useful advice and knowledge, is anything worth getting an ulcer over

  2. Much of your answers and mine lined up- including "Skibidi?" And my son is going through some issues and what I told him was to a T what you said at the end.

    1. I feel Nana's advice was so right and it is something I do

  3. Your grandmother had the right idea. I think if we can truly hand things over to God we will have peace even in the middle of our daily challenges and even just annoyances. Have a great day!

    1. That is so true, sadly it is not something my children understand

  4. I would choose autumn and spring over winter as well!

  5. I enjoyed your answers. I enjoyed your last thoughts! So true
