07 March, 2025

Getting to know me


Here are this week’s getting to know me questions and my answers.

What’s the best animal sound you can make?
Do you have a nickname? What were you called as a kid?

Name a jingle that has stuck with you

Here are my answers:

None, I suck at such things

Nope, I was mostly call Jo as a child except my sister Sue for a while called me “Donna” no one knows why. My sister in-law calls me Jo Jo.

The Vegemite jingle

We're happy little Vegemites
As bright as bright can be
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch and tea

Our mummies say we're growing stronger
Every single week
Because we love our Vegemite
We all adore our Vegemite
It puts a rose in every cheek



06 March, 2025

Home sweet home


Hi everyone I came across these questions over here: https://myshastahome.blogspot.com and decided to join in they come from Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects. The goal is to get us thinking, considering, talking and getting to know ourselves and other bloggers.

In some places people name their homes or properties. What would you name your home and why?

I would name it Meadowland because my last name is Meadows

If you would not name it, why wouldn't you?

 Are you more of a romantic or a pragmatist when it comes to your home or apartment's decor and colour?

Well, I am not romantic so I will go with pragmatist.

Do you have enough room in your home? Storage space, kitchen cabinets?  What would you add or subtract from your home?

We should have plenty of room but often feel like we don’t

Is your place really home sweet home?  Would it be hard to leave it?   Are you firmly rooted in your abode, or would you move if a better opportunity came your way?   

Yes, it is home sweet home and since we have been here coming up to 37yrs it would be hard to leave, and have no intention of leaving.

Marching Hodgepodge


What do you love most about March?

March is just a run of the mill month, nothing special about

Hey! Did you know March is National Celery Month? Do you like celery? What's something you make (or like to order out) that calls for celery? 

Nope I don’t like celery

 _______________ is the soundtrack to my life right now. 

I can’t even think of a soundtrack

Share a favourite motivational quote for overcoming challenges. 

“I practice self-care in lots of ways. I like to work out, read, and watch my favourite comfort movies. Really anything that lets me relax and wind down is self-care to me.” -Natalia Bryant

The Hodgepodge lands on Ash Wednesday this year. Do you participate in Lent in some way? If so tell us more. 

Nope, I know what it is though.

Insert your own random thought here. 

8 March is International Women's Day, back in 1910 a woman named Clara Zetkin, the leader of the Women's Office for the Social Democratic Party in Germany tabled the idea of an International Women's Day at the second International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen. The proposal received unanimous support from over one hundred women representing 17 countries.

Did you know that, does the day mean anything to you?



27 February, 2025

It's hodgepodge time...........


February 26th is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day...have you read a fairy tale lately? What's your favourite fairy tale? Do you believe in 'happily ever after'? 

No, I haven’t read any lately, although I have heard a few like when any politician says they will do this or that.

Complete one of the following sentences with a thought relating to your life currently-

  • Once upon a time___________
  • A long time ago________________
  • In a place far far away__________

A long time ago, in my parent’s lounge-room, I met the love of my life, my soul mate, Tim the date was 9 June 1983.

Which of the following 'fairy tale foods' is your favourite? Which have you made/eaten most recently? 

porridge/oatmeal (Goldilocks and The Three Bears), an apple (Snow White), a gingerbread cookie (The Gingerbread Man), pumpkin soup/pie/bread (Cinderella), peas (The Princess and the Pea), beans (Jack and The Beanstalk) or a cup of tea (Alice in Wonderland)

Porridge, I have it often during the winter months

What's your idea of fun? 

Having a family lunch with my siblings is fun or one with my daughters.

Next week's Hodgepodge lands in March. Is that right? I guess so.  Give us one noun, one verb, and one adjective that tell us something about your February. To make you think a little harder, you cannot use the words cold or snowy. 

Ok I can’t use the words cold or snowy, how about hot and sticky, or maybe muggy or humid. These words describe my February as does, happiness and birthdays.

Insert your own random thought here. 

Many of us have known each other a longish time and I feel connected to many. Visiting blogs often make me feel happy, and they bring memories to the surface, they make me laugh and that feels good. I may get angry over what I read, not with the blogger but with the situation they have described. Visiting blogs helps me learn about different things and learning is good, even if schools often teach useless information and not how to manage cooking meals, balancing a budget and shopping to save money.



22 February, 2025

Getting to know me


Here are this week’s getting to know me questions and my answers.

What fictional family would you most like to join?

What’s the best cake you’ve ever eaten?

What’s something you’re looking forward to?

Here are my answers:

I have sat and thought about this question for a while and I can’t think of a damn family I would like to be part of, yeah, I can think of many fictional families just none I want to be part of.

I have had many yummy cakes over the years, I am not a big fan of mud cake, I do like chocolate cake but not too dark or heavy.

On Monday I  am going to have a full body massage, so that’s what I am looking forward to.

20 February, 2025

A Flowery Hodgepodge


Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with mollycoddle, pack rat, frazzle, and loose cannon...which of those words/phrases currently relates to your life in some way? 

Reading those words, it’s frazzle without a doubt

Have you visited many (or any) of the US Presidents homes, monuments, libraries or related sites? If so what's been your favourite? Are there any you particularly want to see? Here's a link to presidential sites listed by state which is kind of fun to read-Presidential Places by State. And since several bloggers who participate in the HP each week live outside the US, here's a link to Presidential Places Outside the US. Have you seen any of those? 

Being an Aussie living in Australia I have not visit anu Presidential Places and never will.

February 20th is National Cherry Pie Day...will you celebrate? Given your choice of cherry pie, cherry cobbler, cheesecake with a cherry topping, or black forest cake which would you choose? 

Well, I have never heard of National Cherry Pie Day but then I am in Australia, and it is not a think here, that said I do like cheesecake with a cherry topping

Last time you worked a puzzle of some kind? Something that had you puzzled recently? 

I do a jigsaw on my tablet each day as well as a few other word puzzles.

Of the early blooming flowers (January-early March depending on your zone) which one's your favourite? 

snowdrops, lenten roses, pansies, violets, snapdragons, reticulated iris, crocus, winter jasmine

Do you have any of these in your own yard/garden? 

Out of that list I would pick violets and nope none growing in my garden.

Insert your own random thought here. 

Flowers bring so much joy into the lives of so many people but why is that well it is because seeing or receiving flowers triggers the flow of a chemical to the brain called serotonin. Serotonin (sometimes called the ``happy'' hormone) communicates messages from the brain throughout our bodies and plays a vital role in many body functions including mood and physical well-being.


15 February, 2025

Some Q & A

Saw these questions on Susan’s blog she can be found here: https://susansayings.blogspot.com/

1. What is your occupation right now? Mother and Grandmother


2. What colour are your socks right now? Not wearing any


3. What are you listening to right now? Birds outside


4. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? hubby


5. How old are you today? 62


6. What is your favourite sport to watch on TV? None


7. What is your favourite drink? Pepsi  Max


8. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, but not any more


9. What is your favourite food? Baked or roast potatoes


10. What is the last movie you watched? at the movies? I haven’t seen a movie in a long time


11. Favorite day of the year? Christmas


12. How do you vent anger? Raise my voice a bit, then go to my room and pray or listen to music.


13. What was your favourite toy as a child? A soft blue doll.


14. What are your living arrangements? Just me and hubby


15. What was the last thing that you cried about? Something I was watched on tv.


16. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Cathy from 3rd class


17. What did you do last night? Sleep


18. What are you most afraid of? Losing Tim


19. In how many areas of your country have you lived? Just here in Newie NSW


20. What is your favourite flower? Pink Carnations


13 February, 2025

A Super Hodgepodge

Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favourite game day snack for whatever sport is happening? 

Since I am in a different country, I didn’t watch it, also I have zero interest in sport.

My favourite snack is chocolate.

 What's your 'superpower'?

Do I have a superpower? I don’t think so. 

 Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day? If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday? Share a favourite verse or quote relating to love.

Valentine’s Day is just another day for me and Tim.

“Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, of a good relationship but it isn’t the be all and end all” this is something I remember my mum saying.

 Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so what's one of your favourites? If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favourite love song? 

I find a lot of rom-com’s boring and don’t have an interest in romantic books, there are many great love songs.

Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E.

I am drawing a blank 

Insert your own random thought here. 

When it comes to love you cannot be told who to love, as love is different for everyone, and it is possible to fall out of love as easy as it is to fall in love.  One sided love is real and may not be the best, but it still happens and telling someone they are being foolish will not change how someone feels. I am blessed to be able to say that I am still in loved with Tim after nearly 42yrs together.

06 February, 2025

Hodgepodge because it's Thursday


What area of your life feels like you're stuck in a Groundhog's Day loop, doing the same thing over and over? Does it bother you or is that just how life is in this particular season? 

Pretty much every area of my life, but I am fine with that.

Something that makes your heart skip a beat? 

Heights with out a doubt, if I was to walk onto a balcony or near a railing it will skip a beat, then it will start to race, followed by me feeling lightheaded.

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or are you more of a closed book? Elaborate.

Oh, it’s on my sleeve that’s for sure, and my life is without a doubt an open book

According to Prevention Magazine, these are 25 of the best foods for heart health-

wild salmon, sardines, liver, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, oatmeal, blueberries, coffee, red wine, green tea, soy milk, dark chocolate, raisins, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole grains, apples, oranges, grapefruit, avocado, avocado oil, olive oil 

Which five do you include in your diet most often? Are there any foods on the list you simply cannot abide? 

Well, my diet is terrible, and I eat none of these regularly and when it comes to foods I cannot stand, it would be seafood, coffee, green tea, soy milk, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and avocado.

What was the last piece of furniture you bought? Is there a piece of furniture you need/want to purchase this year? 

That would be my new computer chair, as to what we need that would be a new entertainment unit large enough to hold the new TV.

Insert your own random thought here.

So often we do not see all the good around us, as all the bad and negative things seem to be so in our face, so look past those things to see the positive and the good, it is there if only people would look for it.


05 February, 2025

A Sister Like You

 This is from one of my calendars, the one given to me by Sue.

The older we get, the closer we feel (and we were lucky to be close from the get go) 

The older we get, the more we count on each other in the clinches, t he good times, and the hard times, and especially in the times nobody else understands. 

You make me laugh when there is nothing to laugh about and when there is. 

You lighten my heart and remember the good times. You forget our foolish falling-outs, dismissing them as human frailties and of no consequence.

I don't really know how anybody makes it through life without you as a sister. I'm so grateful to be able to say with absolute honesty, you are the very best sister in the whole wide world and I'm the luckiest person. 

Cathy Cash Spellman

01 February, 2025

Getting to know me


What’s your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?

Nothing just stay home and do as little as possible

What’s your favourite thing about your current stage of life?

The fact that I am happy with who I am and have formed a good friendship with my sister Sue

What’s a piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?

Trust your instincts and don’t second guess yourself  

31 January, 2025

Hodgepodge on a wet day


What was your after-school routine like when you were a kid? 

I don’t remember having one I came home changed out of my uniform and either went outside to play or went to my room to read.

January 26 is National Green Juice Day ( I guess it's true everything really does have it's day). Do you juice, as in make your own in an attempt to get healthy? Do you do the green juices? What's your favourite kind of juice (home blended or store bought, either one)? 

Green juice doesn’t appeal to me, I don’t drink a lot of juice

 What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion?

At first, I couldn’t think of anything then it came to me how the washing is hung on the line to dry I do not like it when Tim does it and uses different colour pegs and has no order to how the clothes are arranged.  

What do you need more of in your life? Less of? 

Sometimes I could do with more patience from Tim over how long it may take me to do something as he has a habit of making me feel rushed.

Less of? Well lately that would be my body moving all the damn time.

 Give us three adjectives to describe your January.

Crazy, emotional and busy

Insert your own random thought here.

Remember to be appreciative when things are going your way, as for many that isn’t the case, life can be an uphill struggle for some, you may not see the struggle someone is experiencing but that doesn’t make it any less of a struggle.   




24 January, 2025

Getting to know me


  1. If you could start a charity, what would it be for?

To assist parents with expense of school stuff like uniforms, computers and excursions

  1. What subjects should be taught in school but aren’t?

Everyday finance, like how to budget, pay bills and understand about credit cards and interest free terms, many do not understand that with an interest free loan the loan must be paid off in full by the end of the term and that many have other monthly fees.    

  1. What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?

Since I rarely watch movies, I can’t think of anything


23 January, 2025

A Cold Hodgepodge in Summer


1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)? 

It the time Tim and I went on a snow holiday; Tim was inspired to take the holiday as our niece was working in snow lodge as waitress.

2. Tell us about the last time or a recent time you were caught up in red tape. Does it send your frustration level off the charts or is it something you've come to expect when dealing with any sort of bureaucracy?

I can’t think of any time I have caught in red tape

3. Do you eat/like fish? Do you cook fish at home? What's your favourite fish dish? Ever been ice fishing? 

No, I do not like any seafood, and ice fishing isn’t a thing as far as I know in Australia.

4. Did you watch any of the US President's Inauguration coverage on Monday, Jan 20? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not at all and 10 being very very) how interested are you in politics in general? Do you follow/keep up with/ get involved with local politics? 

Nope didn’t watch it, only saw highlights on the news. My interest in politics is a 1, right at this moment I can even remember who the mayor is.

5. What's the coziest thing you own and what makes it so? 

I have thought about this answer for hours and still drawing a blank, can’t think of a damn thing.

6. Insert your own random thought here:

While visiting blogs this morning I came across this quote on Jessica’s blog, she can be found here: https://goalsandgoodvibes.blog/2025/01/22/weds-3/

“As you move through the day, may you know it’s okay to create a little space, to let this day be what it needs to be and however you can, create room to simply breathe.” By: Morgan Harper Nichols

This made me think about mostly people have times when they find being around other people difficult, this is what my youngest refers to as “peopling”. There are many reasons why a person feels unable to socialise and be around others, many people who have mental condition will find it difficult to be around others. If you don’t experience this difficulty, please be understanding to those who do experience it.

19 January, 2025

Sam's Drawings

Ok a little while back some asked about seeing some of Sam's artwork, I had written down who it was but now I can't find were I wrote that information. Anyway here are a few of Sam's drawings. 

17 January, 2025

Getting to know me

These questions I found on Kymber’s blog which can be found here: https://booomcha.com/. Now for the questions and my answers.

If you could sit on a bench in beautiful woods, who would you like sitting next to you on the bench and why?

My mum, who passed away in 2021 and who I miss so very much we talked daily, and I missed that so much.

What was your least favourite food as a kid, and do you still dislike it?

Cauliflower have never liked it along with green beans, or really any type of bean don’t like them either.

What game show would you like to be a contestant on?

Since I like being around my family, I guess I would say Family Feud

16 January, 2025

Hodgepodge and Change


It's been said January is 'the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change." Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate. 

Inspiration, always need some of that, me and change are not good friends, I accept change, I just don’t long for it.

 Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you or something you create for yourself? 

A bit of both, sometimes it just pops up in front of you other times you have to go looking for it or have to create it yourself.

The British Museum opened on this date (January 15th) back in 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favourite? 

I love museums, I don’t have a favourite

It's National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day). Do you like oatmeal? How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? How do you like yours? What about an oatmeal cookie? Is that a sweet treat you enjoy? 

I believe oatmeal is like porridge and I like porridge in the winter months, not that keen on oatmeal cookies but I do love Anzac biscuits.

What's something useful you learned in high school? 

Can’t think of a single useful thing I learnt in high school

Insert your own random thought here. 

I have always said me and change are not good friends and for the most part that is true I generally don’t like change, however, often change happens without us being aware of it, our hair loses its colour turning grey this is something we see happening but often don’t take any notice of.  Of course, not all change is good nor is all change bad sometimes change is just different, when we can accept that we will be less stressed and feel hopefully feel happier.   

11 January, 2025

Getting to know you/me

This morning while visiting blogs I found on Astrid’s blog which can be found here: https://astridetal.com, these questions and thought I would do a post with my answers, she got the questions from Kymber’s blog which can be found here: https://booomcha.com/. Now for the questions and my answers.

What is the most memorable activity you did with your family as a child?

It would have to be Christmas Day when we would go to my grandparents’ house for Christmas lunch.

What quality do you appreciate most in a friend?

Someone who gets that I can be weird at times and just accepts that part of me

What is one characteristic you received from your parents you want to keep and one you wish you could change?

My dad’s short temper I could do without,  but my mum’s loving and caring nature I will keep.

09 January, 2025

It's Hodgepodge Time


At the end of every year (or at least since the mid-1970's) Lake Superior State University posts a list of words they think should be banished from the Queen's English for misuse, overuse, and/or general uselessness. You can read more about the decision-making process here, but this year's list includes-

cringe, game changer, era, dropped, IFKYK (If you know you know), 

sorry not sorry, skibidi, 100%, utilize, and period. 

Which of these words/phrases do you use regularly or even just every now and then? How many did you have to look up? Which of these words would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word/phrase not on the list you'd like to add? If so do share, then tell us why. 

What the hell does skibidi mean, never heard of this word, I had to Google it

 Your favourite soup? Do you make this one yourself or is it from a can? 

As a child it was pea & ham but now days it is creamy chicken, yes, it is canned always have been.

How do you feel about winter? What's one winter activity you look forward to? 

Not a big fan of winter I like Autumn and Spring, when it’s not too hot nor too cold.

The Pantone colour of the year for 2025 is mocha mousse (sample pictured here). What say you? The website describes it as 'a warming, brown hue imbued with richness. It nourishes us with its suggestion of the delectable qualities of chocolate and coffee, answering our desire for comfort'. Is this a colour I might find in your home or wardrobe? Is it one you might add in some big or small way in the year ahead? 

I went and checked out the colour, it was what I expected, and it is took dark for me wouldn’t like clothes in that colour and really wouldn’t want the house painted in it.

In a similar, but not really vein...if I were to offer you a choice right now of either a cup of mocha or a cup of mousse which would you say yes to? 

Since I can’t stand coffee, the smell nor the taste of it I would have to choose a nice chocolate mousse.

Which of the following winter related idioms can best be applied to your life in some way right now? Choose one, then tell us why you chose it.  

snowed under, on thin ice, tip of the iceberg, chill out, break the ice, snowball effect, not a snowball's chance in hell, get cold feet, the cold shoulder 

“chill out”, because I have been trying to do just that chill out and not let things upset me or make me feel stressed.

Insert your own random thought here.                       

There are so many things happening around us personally and the world in general that are out of our control, but we still get upset and stressed over them.  This is something that just is what it is and it is normal but for us to be healthier and happier we need to learn how not to dwell on such things. As when we do that it isn’t good for our physical or mental health.  My grandmother told me at the end of the day she would hand over to God all that caused her worry or distress during the day, asking him to give her guidance in how to deal with them.


06 January, 2025


These clips were taken on Boxing Day at my daughter Kathy's house, this is my granddaughter Sydney-May she is turning 15 on the 22nd 

02 January, 2025

It's Hodgepodge Day


Oxford's Word of the year for 2024 is 'brain rot'. Are you familiar with this term? Do you suffer from the condition? Ha! This is a term used to 'capture concerns about the impact of consuming excessive amounts of low-quality online content, especially on social media'. If you were choosing a word to capture 2024 (for the nation/world, not your own life personally) what word would you choose? 

The only word that popped into my head was unstable and yeah, I think the world is unstable at time.

It's National Polar Bear Plunge Day (January 1) ...will you be participating in one of these events (or even your own)? How will you spend the first day of this brand-new year? Do you have a traditional New Year's Day menu? 

Well since I am an Aussie living down under this is not a thing here, also those who partake in such events are mad in my opinion.

 What's something that brings you joy and how will you do more of it in this new year? 

There are many things that bring me joy but can’t think of anything I want to do more of.

Do you struggle with the January blues? What's one thing you can/will do to keep them at bay?           

Nope don’t have issues with the start of the year

Will you choose your own personal word of the year for 2025? What about a goal, resolution, or maybe even a bucket list? Elaborate as much or as little as you like. 

My word would be acceptance, because I feel like is better when we accept that some things are not in our control and not everyone will agree with your point of view.

I do not make resolutions because those fail, I do not have a bucket list because often those will fail, a goal is more achievable, but I don’t have any. 

I live life one day at a time and just roll with the flow.                       

Insert your own random thought here.

If someone is able to accept what is, then that person may feel less stressed, to truly believe in God one must be willing to give control over God, choosing and believing he is running the show and that we are in strong and good hands.

In order to love unconditional, one must be willing to accept someone as they are and not want to change them in any way.