01 June, 2024

We don't always have a choice


Hi everyone, do you know the definition of the word choice? It means the act of choosing between two or more possibilities.

This post came from talking to my sister yesterday about some people who seem to think she chose to have BPD. Thus, choosing to be difficult, emotional and all over the place. She has been told that she is using BPD as an excuse for behaviour, no it isn’t an excuse it is the reason why she acts like she does.

Does anyone think I chose to have Parkinson’s; I don’t think so, the reason well maybe is because Parkinson’s is a neurological condition and BPD is a mental health condition.

You would think in the 21century people wouldn’t still think a mental health condition is something people chose to have. However, it does seem that is the way some people are thinking.

No one chooses to have any form of mental health condition. Why would someone think that it is a choice.




  1. People think it is a choice because they don't understand and won't try to understand. Sometimes, that understanding only comes when someone close to you is suffering. Because of medical issues, my husband has PTSD. It is for real, and the more we learn about the effects, the more kind and compassionate we can be.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. So true I had never heard of BPD till this year when Sue started to talk to me about it and I have learnt so much and would like other to learn about it also

  2. It can be hard to understand.

  3. BPD has shifted in its definition, symptoms and treatments, so ordinary people might find it hard to understand. There is little debate, on the other hand, about shingles, measles, skin cancer, blindness or kidney failure.
    What a world we live in :(

  4. Easier to say they're faking it than deal with it like a human being with compassion.

  5. Humans can be so cruel. My oldest son Michael was born with dwarfism and people would point and laugh. It was hurtful to get used to. Absolutely no souls! With mental illness it’s not seen so people judge them. It is better than it used to be, but more progress in educating people still needs to be done.

    1. When one can't see the condition it is easier to pretend it isn't real but it is real and it is a daily struggle, my post are to try and help educate family members and others who read my blogs, how much they help I don't know but I will keep on posting

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Sadly in society people don't listen nor read and they mainly act ignorantly. That is very hurtful for quite a large group that are dealing with severe issues on a daily basis.
    We also live in a SELFISH society—it is all about ME—ME—ME.
    The majority is screaming for that attention and it is quite evident on Social Media. They have been brainwashed into those stupid and meaningful things...
    May God have mercy on those that are ignorant as seldom a human being will make it through life in one smooth ride till the very end.
    Their time will come!
    And if not, they surely cannot escape their Final Judge!

    1. Well said, the ME-ME-ME Society really piss me off, I want to give them a good slap but God will deal with them when their time comes

  7. Exactly, no one chooses to be that way. Our daughter suffers and definitely wouldn't choose to be depressed.

    1. No right minded person chooses to have daily struggles with their body or mind

  8. BPD is a health condition, not a choice. It's frustrating that some people still have misconceptions even in the 21st century.
    (My latest post: UK Tour 06 - Beamish Museum)
