17 March, 2024



You know what I find frustrating, Tim changing his passwords for things all the bloody time because he keeps forgetting what the password or pin was. I don't have that problem, why because I write the damn things down like my father taught me to do. Yes I know that there are those who say that's not safe but as dad said we all do many things that are not considered safe and it is better then being locked out due to forgetting.

I have had a computer book with stored information like email addresses and passwords or pins written down and even though Tim does have the same thing he still manages to stuff it up somehow.

When I was shopping around for a new diary for 2024 I came across a password for storing your passwords.

How are you with remembering passwords?

Do you write them down?

Do you the same password for a number of sites?


  1. Alas no... I cannot remember my passwords easily. Especially since all my passwords are very similar to each other eg Austral123 for Facebook, 135Austral for MIRC and MyAustralia for blogging. The diary for storing passwords sounds more than helpful!

    1. I wouldn't remember them if I didn't write them down

  2. Barb has the same issue with her passwords. She has a dozen different passwords, and they are all different. Like Hels, mine are a similar version of each other and much easier to remember.

  3. I use the Chrome storage. I have no clue what most of my passwords are anymore!

    1. I also use Chrome to store them but still write them down

  4. I use a little notebook and write mine down. Don't like to have the same ones for everything like some people do (and I did at first when I was on the internet). I'd never remember them otherwise. I figure anyone would have to know where to look and be in my apartment to find them, anyways. Not likely. More likely to get remotely hacked somehow, sounds like these days.

    1. Yeah write them down mine are all similar but different sometimes, sometimes not so different and being hacked is more likely then someone stealing my computer book

  5. I have to write mine down. I just got a new phone and updated all of my passwords. The booklet I had was so old. I just wish I would have kept my passwords similar. They are all over the place.

    1. Tim's are all over the place no theme to them unlike mine which are if not the same similar to others I have

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well I save the passwords in a document with password!
    No, never use the same password for different sites...
    Pieter is never using the PC, he only reads my blog on his iPad so I have nobody messing up our passwords...🤗

    1. I feel as long as you have some kind of list life is easier because we have passwords for so many things

  7. I keep a list of my passwords in a Word document. I'd be lost without it!

    1. I get that we need a recorded of what's what with passwords

  8. My family isn't quick to say the "love you" words and I've always been sad about that. But when they do come it's really special!
