27 March, 2024

I Love You


Hello everyone, question for you, how often do you say the words “I love you”. Do such words come easy for you?

They do for me and for pretty much most of my family, we end a phone call with those words, when in person we hug and say I love you when parting company.

It isn’t just the adults who do this, but my grandchildren do it as well. I ring Sam each morning Monday to Friday at least twice to make they are out of bed and at then end of each call we both say I love you.

My father wasn’t raised in an environment where such words were said but when he married mum that changed and after a while these words became second nature to him.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Going back in time to when your Father was growing up, that sure was different—like for my Parents.
    But here in the South, it is so customary that we have adopted that as well. Here one says: love ya! or love ya'll.

    1. Yeah I think way back when it wasn't so common place for people to say those words especially for men to say it to their sons, love ya or love ya"ll sounds fine to me

  2. It is the most important thing to say.

  3. Did not grow up saying it or hearing it--at all. Stoic Swedish family.
    But between McFamily and I--we always say it to each other...even the grandboys. :) Saying goodbye on the phone or a visit...plus hugs. I always told Dagan I loved him. Not something I had growing up, tho.

  4. The same can be said for many people just not what they grew up with, me I never went to bed without giving both my parents a hug and saying I love you.

  5. I say them often and they do come easy for me. I did not hear a lot of that growing up.

    1. It is good that so many people say this words even when growing up it they weren't heard
