27 March, 2024

I Love You


Hello everyone, question for you, how often do you say the words “I love you”. Do such words come easy for you?

They do for me and for pretty much most of my family, we end a phone call with those words, when in person we hug and say I love you when parting company.

It isn’t just the adults who do this, but my grandchildren do it as well. I ring Sam each morning Monday to Friday at least twice to make they are out of bed and at then end of each call we both say I love you.

My father wasn’t raised in an environment where such words were said but when he married mum that changed and after a while these words became second nature to him.

17 March, 2024



You know what I find frustrating, Tim changing his passwords for things all the bloody time because he keeps forgetting what the password or pin was. I don't have that problem, why because I write the damn things down like my father taught me to do. Yes I know that there are those who say that's not safe but as dad said we all do many things that are not considered safe and it is better then being locked out due to forgetting.

I have had a computer book with stored information like email addresses and passwords or pins written down and even though Tim does have the same thing he still manages to stuff it up somehow.

When I was shopping around for a new diary for 2024 I came across a password for storing your passwords.

How are you with remembering passwords?

Do you write them down?

Do you the same password for a number of sites?

03 March, 2024

Left Handed


Any left handed people in your family?

Are you left handed?

I have been thinking about how different it is to be left handed I have a sister and a niece no not mother and daughter just so you know, anyway what was I saying. Oh yeah I have been told by them that it isn't just different but can be difficult at times doing things left handed.

Thankfully I don't know of any problems my sister had at school except I think there was one teacher who told mum that Jeannie should be using her right hand and mum told her no that's not how Jeannie is and not to try and force the issue.

I do however, know that there was a time when being left handed was treated as a bad thing maybe even a sin by some people and that when at school left handed children were forced to use their right hand.

To me forcing a child to do something that doesn't come naturally for them like which hand they prefer to use. I feel the treatment of left handed children by some teachers was not just wrong but cruel, no child should be made to feel like they are committing a sin by using their left hand.

How can using one's left hand be a sin to me that is just stupid. It can be hard enough being a lefty or a south paw as my grandfather use to say, writing isn't as easy for a lefty as well preforming other tasks such as using a pair of scissors unless they are left handed scissors.

According to Google Lefties make up only about 10 percent of the population, but studies find that individuals who are left-handed are more creativity, have more imagination and intuition and like to daydream. They're also better at rhythm and visualization.