19 November, 2018

November Letter

Mrs Jo-Anne Meadows
P O Box 253
Warners Bay
NSW 2282

Wednesday 14th November 2018


Hello my friend how is life treating you? I am well more or less, been another busy day for me after my aqua class this morning I spent the rest of the day doing housework and laundry.

I have also sorted out photos ready to work on the personalised calendars I do each year for family members, the calendars are time consuming. I like to sort the photos on the computer into a folder and then in a few days time I will spend some time online working on the calendars.

Last Thursday I had to go and see my GP to get my yearly medical review done but the doctor refused to fill it in, he said I shouldn't be driving. I felt numb when I left the surgery but I am getting there, it is what it is. So on Saturday Natasha took me to the RTA and I had to hand in my licence, I will get a photo ID card in the mail.

Last Tuesday I had a bad start to the day, it was my own fault I took my morning medication and my insulin before taking Leo to school but forgot to eat anything. This resulted in my blood glucose level dropping too low cause me to end up shaking and sweating and feeling extremely tired. As soon as I got home I had a sherbet cone followed by two soft boiled eggs, after I ate I was much better.

The week before last I had to see the neurologist I thought it was about my tremor but it wasn't earlier in the year my GP sent me for a CT scan of my head because of all the headaches I was getting and the scan showed what looked like a cyst.

Anyway the neurologist said he thought the CT scan looked normal but has sent me for another more complex MRI, I received an appointment in the mail for 7.30pm but there is no way I can do that time, so I rang to reschedule and the woman who took my call was quite rude but she canceled that appointment and told me I would get another appointment in the mail but it will be for some time in February. I said that would be fine don't go back to the neurologist till mid March.

He had little to say about my tremor he still things I have a functional tremor and said he knows it is difficult to deal with.
He had me do a few things and stand and walk a bit and told me my reaction time is poor as is my concentration.

Tim told him about all the minor accidents I have had this year and this resulted in him telling me that I shouldn't be driving at all. So when I got home I had a talk with Tim and Natasha about my driving.

Last Tuesday Leo (grandson) gets home from school and tell me he had a bad day he was picked on and had things thrown at him, Natasha rang the school and read them the riot act. This other kid threatened to kill Leo and yeah properly an empty threat but things like this make a child worried to go to school. Then that night Leo was already upset because of the bad dad at school and Blain(grandson) had to stir him up this resulted in Leo ending up in tears.

Well because of Blain, Leo locked his bedroom door and hid the key and when I was going to bed and went to go into Leo's room and found it locked so I go to get the key and found it missing. So I ask Leo where the key was and guess what he couldn't find it, I did get pissed off and it took a good half hour to find another key to open it. I have told Leo many times if he feels the need to hid the key just give it to me and I will not let Blain get it.

Of course I did the wrong thing and mentioned the bullying on my blog but I went back and deleted it but of course Heather saw it and was annoyed. However, I really don't give a rats ass what Heather thinks or feels.

Sunday 18th November

Back again started this during the week but only just getting around to finishing and printing, although I will add that when I started this letter I was 55 now I am 56.

Yes I have had a birthday on Friday it was generally speaking a good day, I received some lovely presents. Although Tim hasn't as yet given me a present but he did take me out to the Eastern Tiger for lunch which was nice.

Last Thursday I had a break down it was caused by Leo having a melt down and trashing his bedroom throwing things around and hitting the wall. What caused his melt down I really don't understand it had something to do with Blain though.

I ended up not just crying but sobbing and it wasn't the first time I cried on Thursday, in fact I cried a fair bit on Thursday and most of the time I had no idea why I was crying.

Tim told me he is worried about my health and through tears I replied that so was I at night I suffer from restlessness kind of like restless leg syndrome but it affects my breathing, when I lay down I feel like I can't breath and I have to get up and walk around then go back to bed and try again. I would do this 3 or 4 times before I would manage to get to sleep. I have since realised that I should be taking the medication for the restlessness 2hrs earlier then I was. Taking it earlier has helped but I am still not sleeping well getting up 3 or 5 times a night.

What added to my upset on Thursday night was Tim saying again that we can't take any more holidays because of my health and how much trouble I have walking this is because he doesn't want to push me around in a wheelchair.

Well that's all from me for this letter, until next time, take care, stay safe and write when you can.


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