18 May, 2024

My sister Sue


On the 28 October 1969 a baby girl was born she was given the first name of Susan, she now prefers to be called Sue, she is my sister 7yrs younger than me. As children I remember a number of people saying how alike she and I was. I could not see it and I doubt Sue could either.

I wouldn’t say we were close as children, I did slam her fingers in my bedroom door, which resulted in dad threatening to break it in if I didn’t open it. Yes, I did get into trouble for that, as I did when I slammed her finger in the car door. Then there was the time I used the type of cane that was used at school to “discipline” students with, anyway I hit her across the knuckles and boy did I get into trouble for that.

I remember mum telling me about locking Sue out of the house because she wouldn’t go outside to play, mum thought she was doing the right thing but maybe not.

There was also a couple of times when she got left behind, like the time we were going on a holiday, and she was in the toilet and dad thought she was in the car and drove off leaving her behind. Yes of course, we went back for her and had a bit of a laugh but again in hindsight not really funny.

These are just a couple of things that went wrong in Sue’s life, that we laughed at but would have damaged her, she was only a child.

The positive things like mum going to the school and telling of a teacher for comparing Sue to our sister Jeannie, mum spoke to the headmistress and demanded Sue be put in a different class and not to be compared to Jeannie as they were and still are two very different people. However, the positive things get lost in the negative.

At 16 Sue left home to go live with a man 16yrs older than her, she later married him, and they had 4 children together. It wasn’t the happiest of marriages and ended in divorce.

What followed was a few not so good choices in men, she later remarried but that marriage didn’t last either. They didn’t divorce but were separated at the time of his death in 2016. There have been more not so wise relationships with men, including the latest one which was with a narcissistic bastard who is stalking her and making her life miserable.

Less then 2yrs ago she was diagnosed with BPD and her counsellor told her she most likely had this condition since the age of 12. It explains a lot of her so called bad decisions, I say so called because in hindsight they were but at the time they happened it didn’t seem that way. She also suffers from depression and PTSD if I remember correctly.

Yes, there have been times when it seemed like she put herself before anyone else but that is just how it looked. Sue loves her children, and she did the best she knew how to do when it came to raising them. Has she made mistakes of course all parents do but that doesn’t take anything away from how much she loves and worries about them.

Sue’s life has been a roller coaster on the verge of spinning out of control, but she always manages to get back on track.

I know there are times when her family judge her actions because I believe they don’t always see the whole picture.

Having BPD has made her life harder than it would have been if she didn’t have this terrible condition. I have said for many years that Sue is the strongest woman I know she is a survivor and like a bouncing ball she bounces back it is just hard at times for anyone to catch that damn ball.

I remember many years back hearing her refer to herself as the black sheep of the family, that angered me then and it angers me now, she is not and has never in my eyes ever been a black sheep. But if she was that would be fine with me, I am not racist and don’t care what colour sheep she is.

Sue and I have become closer over the years, and this has made me so happy, I only wish she was as happy in her life. I know she will say she is but from my point of view she doesn’t seem as happy as she could be and knowing there is bugga all I can do to change that is hard for me.

I love you Sue and I am proud to be your sister.

11 May, 2024

My thoughts


I have been thinking about how things change over time, not just our environment but our way of thinking about things. If you sit and think about your thoughts on pretty much anything you may realise that over the years your thoughts on the matter have changed. This I believe is because as we age, we grow not just our bodies but our minds.

When I was younger the term transgender was unheard of at least by me, and if I was told I would have a transgender grandchild I would have been shocked and maybe even I would carry on like Tim.

However, now things are different, yes, I still believe there are only 2 genders and I feel those who think differently may have a screw lose but it isn’t something I am going to get all bent out of shape over. As I also believe everyone is intitled to their own opinion even if I think it, is a stupid opinion.

Do I want a transgender grandchild, no not really but this is who Sam is and I love Sam for the person Sam is. I have a very close relationship with Sam more so then with my other grandchildren, not that I love them less or Sam more, but I connect more with Sam.

I have always had a problem with the term “black sheep of the family” and remember many years ago when my sister Sue referred to herself as the black sheep of our family, I was pissed. I have never thought of her is such a manner. I have often thought she was her own worst enemy often sabotaging her own happiness, this of course was before she knew she suffered from borderline personality disorder, which I feel explains a lot about why her life has been a roller coaster often just about flying off its rails.

This is another thing if I was told about in my younger days, I don’t think I would have understood it or even try to understand it.

Now I am doing my best to get my head around these things that are new and strange to me. I don’t want to live in a cave pretending these new and strange things in my life don’t exist.

I have said often that I am not the judge of someone as there is only one true judge that being God. Although if you break the law, you may find yourself in front of another type of judge, but that judge isn’t judging you in the way God can judge you. I have also said that if God has an issue with someone then God will take it up with said person when he is good and ready to do so.

I feel when you love and care for someone you shouldn’t be standing in judgement of every little thing they say or do, if you don’t agree then you don’t agree but you don’t need to always get into an argument over it because we all have our own thoughts and opinions about stuff.  This is the way God made us, with our own brains allowing us to have our own thoughts about stuff.