21 September, 2022



What is a Dystonic Tremor?

Tremor is an uncontrollable/involuntary oscillation or shaking or rapid movement of a part of a person’s body. For example, if a person has head tremor, then there will be involuntary shaking movement of the head. Similarly, if a person has hand tremor, then there is uncontrollable shaking of the hands. Tremor can affect any part of the body including eyes, vocal cords, arms, face, trunk and legs.

Dystonic tremor is a type of tremor which the patient develops along with or in association with dystonia.Dystonia is a neurological disorder where there is transmission of incorrect messages from the brain to the body resulting in unwanted movement or over-active or abnormal postures. Patient experiences Dystonic Tremor commonly in young adulthood or mid-life.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    We all rely on our 'healthy' brain function and if there is any transmission problem—we mostly suffer...
    Hoping you can manage to live with it!
