24 March, 2025

Stuff I did around the house


Since I am told often that I do lot of stuff around the house during the week and I don’t think do, I have decided to keep a record over the next few weeks and we will see.


Emptied all the bins including recycle bins

Vacuumed twice

Scrubbed the bathroom

Folded the sheets

Exercised for 20 minutes

Packed the dishwasher and put it on to wash


Emptied the dishwasher

Vacuumed twice

Cleaned the leaves from in front of the unused front wooden

Mopped and removed door marks from laundry floor

Did a load of washing and hung it up to dry, I managed to take one clothes hoist out the back

Ironed Jessica’s work shirts.

Exercised for 30 minutes

I rearranged the bathroom storage racks and took my makeup into the bedroom.


Folded the clothes up and put them away


Clean the kitchen

Exercised for 40-minutes

Cleaned both front and back glass sliding doors

Cleaned off and dusted mt computer desk


Vacuumed twice

Exercised 30 minutes

Cleaned kitchen

Packed dishwasher and put it on

Unpacked the dishwasher


Vacuumed twice

Cleaned the kitchen


Vacuumed twice

Cleaned kitchen

Exercised 40 minutes


Vacuumed three times

Cleaned kitchen and packed dishwasher

Washed the laundry and hung clothes up to dry

Cleaned the kitchen again this arvo

21 March, 2025

Getting to know me


Here are this week’s getting to know me questions and my answers.

These are set by Kymber who can be found here:https://booomcha.com/

Do you think you’d get along with a clone of yourself?
What’s the quickest way someone can lose your trust?

Do you often listen to your intuition?

Here are my answers.

No, they would be too much like me it would be annoying

Steal from me

All the time

20 March, 2025

A Green Hodgepodge


St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated on Monday, March 17th. Did you mark the day in some way? Wear green? Make a special meal? Watch or participate in a parade? 

Nope St Paddy’s Day is just another day for me

Do you think luck plays a part in your life? Explain.

I think luck plays a part in everyone’s life, how well, I don’t know how to explain it, I just feel that it does. 

Of the 15 green foods listed, which one is your favourite and how do you like it prepared? Any on the list that are a hard no for you? In general, do you like fruits and veggies? As a kid did you eat them willingly or did you hide peas in your napkin hoping your momma wouldn't see? 

Asparagus, avocado, broccoli, celery, cucumber, grape, green bean, kale, kiwi, lettuce, lime, 

pear, peas, pistachios, spinach

I like grapes, pears and peas, although I prefer red or black grapes

What's something that makes you 'turn green'? (with envy or with illness... whichever way you want to run with it)

I really don’t do envy much so let me think of being made to feel yuck, most bad smells like when something dies.

Did you spend a lot of time outdoors as a child? Doing what? Do you spend a lot of time outdoors now? Doing what?

I spent a lot of time outside playing with my friend, now at 62 I don’t spend much time outside at all. 

Insert your own random thought here. 

People need to practice tolerance, patience, and compassion more, towards those who have become more slow, in movement and thoughts either with age or illness.

Tuesday's 4 on a Thursday


Today I am taking part  in Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 who can be found here: https://tuesdaysplace.blogspot.com//

We will try to have fun answering questions about various subjects.

March, they say, comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  It is called the windy month like Chicago is called the windy city! First off, I am in Australia

Has March come in like a lion or a lamb in your neck of the woods?

 For me March is more like a slow lamb

Windy days began at the last weeks of February and March has been very windy indeed!

Generally, we have the August winds in my part of Australia

There have been some awful storms of late. have you suffered through them, or have you ever suffered through a very bad storm in your life? (if so, we wish you well)

Thankfully no storms in my part of Aus, Alfred the cyclone that became a tropical storm was in the norther part of the eastern side of the country.

Spring begins March 20th and ends with summer on June 20th this year.  Any plans for Spring in general? How about the spring holidays? 

We are in autumn, and we don’t have spring break, although there will be 2 weeks of school holidays from the 11 April.

What are your favourite springtime flowers?  I think Daffodils, Hyacinths, violets, tulips, bluebells, lady slipper are all so very pretty.  Mountain pinks are wonderful and grow around the pond.

I have no idea what flowers are around at this time of year, I can say my favourite flower is the pink carnation.


17 March, 2025

St. Patrick's Day


Hello everyone, this Monday is St. Patrick’s Day, this is not something that holds any interest for me or Tim.

So, what is St. Patrick's Day?

St. Patrick's Day—observed every March 17—is packed with parades, good luck charms, and all things green. The event started as a religious holiday, but over time it's become a celebration of Irish culture.

The day commemorates St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland in the 5th century and is a celebration of Irish culture and heritage, marked by parades, music, and the wearing of green.  Also he was actually born in Britain, not Ireland, near the border between modern Wales and England.

St. Patrick was a key figure in the spread of Christianity in Ireland, and he is often depicted with a shamrock, which he allegedly used to explain the Holy Trinity. A shamrock, is a three-leaf clover, is a symbol of Ireland and is often worn on St. Patrick's Day. 

Ireland's strong association with the colour green stems from its use in the Irish flag, where green represents the Catholic majority, and from the tradition of wearing green on St. Patrick's Day, a celebration of Irish culture and heritage.  St. Patrick himself is not known to have worn green. 

Leprechauns, mythical creatures in Irish folklore, are often associated with St. Patrick's Day and are believed to bring good luck. 

A popular legend says that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, but in reality, there were likely never any snakes on the island. 



14 March, 2025

Getting to know me


Here are this week’s getting to know me questions and my answers.

Which cartoon character would you like to be?

What’s something you’re kind of snobby about?

Who is the smartest person you know

Here are my answers.

Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds

I can’t think of a single thing I am in no way snobby; well, I hope I’m not.

Had to think about this and my answer would be my son in-law


13 March, 2025

Just a bit of hodgepodge

March 15th is known as The Ides of March, the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C....have you ever been to Rome? If so, what did you love most about the city? If not, is this a place you'd like to visit? 

Nope never been to Rome, hadn’t heard of The Ides of

March, would I like to visit Rome, let think no I don’t have any interest in vising Rome.


'Rome wasn't built in a day.'

What project/activity/improvement (of any kind) do you have going on right now to which this saying might be applied? 

Can’t think of a damn thing

Let's do a little this or that with some Italian foods...

  • Caprese salad or Prosciutto with melon? Neither
  • Bruschetta or Antipasto? Neither
  • lasagne or ravioli? Lasagne
  • Bolognese or Carbonara? Bolognese
  • Risotto or gnocchi? Risotto
  • tiramisu gelato or cannoli? Cannoli

Of the colours red, white, and green which would I find most prevalent in your home? I would have to say white.

Which one do you think is most flattering to you in terms of your wardrobe? It would be a toss up between red and green

Have you ever had your colours done? Is that something you'd be interested in doing? Not sure what this question means.

Life would be boring without____________________?

Books, TV & Movies

Insert your own random thought here. 

Remember you are who you are, your thoughts and actions make you who you are, no one can change you except you and you only need to change if it is something you want to do. Trying to change to make others happy will not work.