16 October, 2024

The name David


Other than my sister I also have a brother David, so this week we will look at the meaning of that name. The name is often shortened to Dave or Davy.

The name David has taken the world by storm and heard in several languages, like Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Croatian. With countless famous historical figures and celebrities named David, baby will have many honourable footsteps to follow throughout life.

The name David has deep Biblical roots and means "beloved." It is derived from the Hebrew name Dawid, which evolved from the Hebrew word dod which means beloved.

David is a name that has been associated with strength, leadership, and artistic talent. People with the name David are often seen as natural leaders, not because they seek out leadership roles, but because they possess an innate ability to guide others with wisdom and empathy.

David's remarkable feat was marked by four qualities, ones which we desperately need today: He was competent, he was courageous, he was committed, and he was confrontational. Focus on those four qualities.

                                            MY BROTHER DAVID AND  HIS WIFE LEIGH

12 October, 2024

The Name Sandra & My Babygirl


I have another sister named Sandra, so this week we are looking at the meaning of the name Sandra. 

Sandra is a feminine name of Greek origin, both formidable and valiant. A variation of Alexandra, Sandra means "protector of humanity." Both versions derive from Alexandros, the by-name of the revered Goddess Hera, who was indeed a great defender of many ancient Greek heroes and warriors. It is also the short form of the name Cassandra.

Those with first name of Sandra are usually very kind, thoughtful, and sociable person. Because of their friendly and diplomatic qualities, they make friends easily. They also shine as a hostess as you instinctively know how to make everyone feel relaxed and friendly.

Between 1930 and 2022 saw in Australia 25 boys and 19,433 given the name Sandra, as you can see in AAustralia the name is generally a female one.

I refer to our Sandra as my “babygirl” she will be 47 on Monday but in my head and heart she will forever be my babygirl.

She is often called Sandy she is the mother of two daughters and foster mother to two others, and she often has a fifth child at her place her eldest daughter’s boyfriend.

I think she is amazing, and our parents would be so proud of her for taking in Landon and Skylar who are our nephew Dawson’s half brother & sister.


10 October, 2024

A Walk In The Park, What Hodgpodge


Thursday is National Walk To A Park Day. I know these celebratory days are mostly made up, but some are fun to think about. Do you live close enough to a park to walk to one on Thursday? Will you? The most famous park in the world is Central Park located in NYC. Have you ever been to Central Park? What did you think? If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to see? 

I could walk to a park, well I used to be able to walk to a park, now days it is hard enough to walk to the top of the driveway. Nope I haven’t been to Central Park I am in a different country so not so easy. Do I want to see it nope.

Something you've done recently that turned out to be a 'walk in the park'? 

I have given this a bit of thought, and I can’t think of anything, everything is pretty much a struggle every day.

Can you parallel park? Do you have to do this often where you live? 

Yes, I could parallel park but didn’t do it very often

The colours of fall...red, brown, russet, golden bronze, golden yellow, purplish red, light tan, crimson, orange red, and scarlet. Are these colours you like to wear? Is this your season in terms of colour? What about your home? Would we see these tones in your home decorating? 

Well, I like shades of red and purple as well as shades of blue both to wear and wouldn’t mind such colours in my home.

What part of history do you find most interesting? Elaborate. 

I like all history but if I had to pick one part it would be World War two, why I don’t really know I am just interested in that time.

Insert your own random thought here.

Remember living is a privilege granted to us from God along with the privilege of the world being full of many beautiful things. We have a mind to learn, a voice to speak and a heart to love others with.  


03 October, 2024

A poetic hodgepodge or not


Hey, it's October...what's one fun thing on your October calendar? 

This year my husband and I are taking my sister Sue out for lunch so that.

Thursday is National Poetry Day (first Thursday in October) ...do you like to read poetry? If so, what's a favourite poem or whose poetry do you especially enjoy? 

Never been interested in poetry but there have been some I liked, can’t say what they were though.

Tell us about something you've seen recently that could be described as 'poetry in motion'

Sorry, nothing comes to mind

What's one song on your autumn playlist? Do you have an autumn playlist? If not, pretend you do. If yes, then feel free to share more than one. 

A couple of songs popped into my head when I read this, they are June as cold as December by the Everly Bros and Cold day in July by the Dixie Chicks.

Share a quote that inspires you this time of year especially. 

I can’t think of anything

Insert your own random thought here.  

My life is an open book, a wonderful book filled with memories of a pretty damn good life and each day something new happens that is stored in the book of my life.


25 September, 2024

A Warm or Cool Hodgepodge


It's officially fall y'all...in the northern hemisphere anyway. What are three of your favourite things about this particular season of the year?

What I like about autumn is that it isn’t hot nor is it too cold 

Your favourite fall fabric-denim, flannel, tweed, corduroy, tartan, polar fleece, leather? Do you own something made with your favourite fall fabric? 

I have always liked corduroy but don’t own anything made of it

According to Everyday Health here are ten healthy fall foods- apples (flavonoids may improve brain health), pears (for heart friendly fibre), cranberries (helps your body fight oxidative stress) winter squash (for eye health), pumpkin (another great source of Vitamin A), leeks (an anti-inflammatory food), brussel sprouts (full of fibre and anti-oxidants), sweet potatoes (loaded with Vit A and C), parsnips (keep your bones healthy with Vit K), and broccoli (may help prevent cancer). 

How many on the list do you eat on a regular basis? Which one is your favourite? Which one gets a big no thanks from you? 

At this stage of my life, I don’t eat any of them

Tell us about the last time (or a recent time) you experienced a wave of nostalgia?                                           

I think the closest time that I can recall would be Father’s Day just pass, while at the cemetery visiting my dad and the memories me and my siblings talked about

Sept. 22nd was National Daughter's Day. Like mother, like daughter...does this idiom ring true for you? You may answer in terms of your own role as a daughter or, if you have daughters, then your role as a mother of daughters.

Most definitely I am very much like my mother and eldest and youngest daughters a very much like me, mostly my youngest, my middle daughter is a female version of her dad.

Insert your own random thought here. 

A kind deed is like water for a flower, it can lift one’s heart and make others feel better



24 September, 2024

A bit about the name Jeannie



Ok I have wrote about the name Susan as I have a sister with that name, well I also have a sister named Jeannie which means “God is gracious”.

It is also considered to be the feminine form of John or the French name Jean.

The name is also connected to the TV show I dream of Jeannie; in fact, my mum told me that I thought if the new baby was named Jeannie, she would have magical powers. I was also upset when she didn’t.

People named Jeannie resist being forced into change and can dig their heels in if they feel they are being forced to accept changes they are not prepared for.  

They like peaceful and settled conditions in a secure home where they are expected to make all the major decisions. They may find it difficult to stand their ground because of lack of confidence and not liking tense situations.

Their outward attitude may hide how they are really feeling. Girls name Jeannie has a deep inner strength that is often kept hidden from others. 


19 September, 2024

A bit of this and that hodgepodge


1. Something that's had you 'chuffed to bits' recently? 

Feeling like myself after years wandering around in a fog, shaking so much doing stuff was next to impossible.

2. Tell us about an instance recently where you were tempted to 'throw a wobbly' (expression used to describe tantrums thrown, usually by adults or people who should know better) 

When Tim was being an unreasonable, judgemental sod.

3. Something everyone seems to love but is not your 'cuppa tea'?

Most new TV shows, pick one any one and I bet I wouldn’t have seen it 

4. Fish and chips, bangers and mash, shepherd's pie, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding...which entree would you choose? Yes, you have to choose. 

Bangers and mash although we would call it snags and mash, call it what you will it is a good dish

5. Something you want for your birthday this year? 

A small train tattoo been wanting one since 2019

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Respect is a two-way street, that far too many mistake for a one-way street, my husband at times says our grandchildren don’t respect him but he has a habit of speaking in a disrespect tone himself, saying that one will go to hell, granted he only did that once while drunk, but it is something that the child cannot get over and doesn’t understand that. Saying he supports them but in the same sentence saying they are wrong and going against God. I am sorry but such behaviour doesn’t scream respect. Yes we should our elders but if they are not showing us respect, why should they receive it.